discount eligible wellsos & trachys
Ultra Rose Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - N08
Ultra Rose Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - N09
Ultra Rose Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - N6
Ultra Rose Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - N05
Ultra Rose Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - N04
Special Metallic Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - L34
Ultra Rose Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - L47
Ultra Rose Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - L49
Ultra Rose Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - L26
Ultra Rose Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - L27
Special Lavendar Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - L10
Ultra Rose Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - L22
Special Metallic Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - L09
Special Lavendar Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - L16
Ultra Rose Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - L45
Ultra Rose Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - L21
Ultra Rose Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - L50
Ultra Rose Trachy
Wellsophyllia and Trachyphyllia are large fleshy LPS corals. They come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Wellsos and Trachys are easy to moderately easy to keep, require moderate lighting, moderate flow and should be placed on the sand bed. Occasional feedings are recommended. - L52